The Swarm of Sin

The Swarm of Sin


by W. Chaz Glass


Hungry for the tree of life,

And those grafted into the vine,

Sin swarms.

Sin swarms our hearts, stripping away love.

Sin swarms our minds, eating away knowledge.

Sin swarms our flesh, leaving no self-control.

No righteousness is left.

No peace or patience.

No desire to pray or praise.

The swarm picks you up and carries you along.

With no love remaining, you become like the devourer.

You scoff at truth.

You chew on lies like leaves.

Swarming around what is Holy.

But like the locust, your life is short,

Vanishing like the green you consumed.

But the faithful will bud like Aaron’s rod,

New seed will grow and never die,

And our leaves will heal the nations.