by W. Chaz Glass
When you read the Word of God, meditating on it in the early hours of the morning and in the stillness of the night, the thoughts, and ideas of God regarding redemption, the flesh, wickedness, righteousness, salvation, sin, truth, etc., swirl around in your heart, stimulating the mind, and reviving the spirit. The higher thoughts of God, coming through the spirit of knowledge and revelation, like light, shine on the seeker of the great pearl, raising beyond the natural, and become living water in the form of the truth, truth we must speak, as it wells up within our being and burst forth in due season. Over the course of our lives, we become more refined, and the spirit of knowledge and wisdom begins to compound, making the living water sweeter. The Lord pours you out on His
children to drink this truth in the belly of your spirit. I refer to these individuals as ‘strong fountains.’
Water contains dissolved solids. The lower the number of dissolved solids, the purer the water. In this context, dissolved solids represent other truths mixing with God’s truth. These dissolved solids can be poisonous. The spiritual person can taste these truths through the discerning ear. This discernment can only come from clearly distinguishing the voice of the Great Shepherd from robbers when drinking from fountains. There are many fountains, but only living water can satisfy the soul. Strong fountains quench those parches areas of the soul that only God could have known needed watering. The words of strong fountains flow through your mind bringing new life by enriching understandings, presenting other perspectives, correcting wrong ones, and expand the mind to comprehend higher revelations of Gods nature and plan. I see many thirsty souls drinking from fountains that refresh the flesh. However, living water will bring the spiritual person to life, and then they will understand that man does not live on
bread alone.
Do you desire to be a strong fountain? Not out of envy or selfish ambition, but
sincerely? If so, do not resist refinement, the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. It will begin to feel like fire in your bones, a power and force that cannot be contained, a message that must be shared. When spoken, it will bind the strong man in the minds of God’s children. It will flow as a steady stream of truth, a truth the same yesterday, today, and forever, with all other worldly wisdom filtered out. Strong fountains drink, are watered, produce fruit, and sow seeds back into the hearts of young and old believers. Desire to be a strong fountain for the Lord.