Inheriting Nehemiah’s Mantle

by W. Chaz Glass


Are there Nehemiah’s today? Are there any who receive a report heard by spiritual ears and see by spiritual eyes that walls have been demolished and gates have been set on fire? Who hears a report from the Kingdom of Heaven within and falls to their knees, humbles themselves with fasting and prayer, confessing transgressions and forgiving those who have trespassed against us?

Who seeks to be a tool to remove the reproach from one’s family and neighbor? Who will rebuild walls of understanding and wisdom, the ruins of the heart, interceding for the lost and broken? Who by the power of the Holy Spirit lays the Chief cornerstone across many temples God desires to inhabit? One dreams of prosperity, but there is spiritual desolation in nations.

Do we seek the strength and power that comes from the fast the Lord has chosen to reestablish the old waste places and raise up the foundations of many generations? Are our walls as strong as they could be, or are there holes for the enemy to crawl through? Christ came to redeem and the Holy Spirit to restore, following the blueprint of the Father. The New Jerusalem is erected. What report have you been given? What wall is the Spirit stirring in you to repair?

Trust He will give you favor with a message to proclaim. Yes, some will laugh you to scorn, sent by the enemy to stop the building. Blessed are those who are persecuted and no weapon formed against you will prosper. Every generation has its builders, moved by compassion and grief, to rebuild what sin has destroyed, but what grace and love will rebuild.

It’s alarming to imagine what resources of wealth are available to the people of God when stirred by either righteous sorrow or anger. What favor will rest upon us when we believe and understand Proverbs 21:1? What kings today might be moved by the Spirit to finance Kingdom purposes? What CEO, musician, or athlete might be prompted into generosity? What enemy or oppressor is God ready to turn into an evangelist?

Like Esther and Nehemiah, who currently may be in close proximity to those God has positioned to strengthen His people and advance His agenda through various resources? And like Haggai foretold, woe to those churches who the Spirit raised up yet only grow their own name and brand. God’s people are not built up, but they store up riches for themselves, believing worldly wealth is what they are owed.

We must not forget John the Baptist wore no fine linen, and Jesus had no place to lay His head. Yet how many indulge on the finest meat and best wine, boasting they are rich but in God’s eyes remain miserable, wretched, poor, blind and naked? Will we find spiritual leprously under the purple linen?

Forgive those unwise and unfaithful stewards who have allowed success and influence to displace their first love, expanding their own names. Let us rather be tailored to the mantle of Nehemiah, allowing the Holy Spirit to tenderize our hearts to feel His grief over areas of ruin. Then in turn let Him lead us by prayer and faith to do the greatest Kingdom building work our hands can through the strength He supplies.


2 responses to “Inheriting Nehemiah’s Mantle”

  1. Tiffany Anderson Avatar
    Tiffany Anderson

    Loved the commentary and the call to action. Which particular scripture(s) are we referencing or pulling from in the book of Nehemiah or is the entire book?
    Thank you for stewarding God’s Word to His people!

    1. W. Chaz Glass Avatar

      Tiffany, thank you for your comment. This post was mostly inspired by Nehemiah’s prayer which reflected his heart, but drawing from the theme of the book as a whole.