Humility – Reflection on Isaiah 6

Humility – Reflection on Isaiah 6


by W. Chaz Glass


Do we require the same experience as Isaiah to come to the understanding within ourselves that we have unclean lips and are among people of unclean lips? Humility is something we possess, not just in the presence of God, but in the company of our neighbors as well. Those who preach and teach the gospel understand this very well. We are unworthy servants, simply doing our duty. Christ delivered this message when the disciples asked for more faith.


However, sometimes the grand sanctuaries we’ve built, our followers, the number of people who watch our messages, and the amount of money coming in can cloud our memory. We begin to see ourselves as high and lifted up, wanting others to perceive us the same way. We desire dedicated men and women around us to endorse our belief in our holiness and to help bring new people into our congregation.


No, we do not need a vision like Isaiah’s. He shared his vision with us, and John did the same when he witnessed one sitting on a throne with the four angels in awe of His glory, crying, “Holy, Holy, Holy.” We don’t need visions because we have witnessed a miracle similar to Peter’s, understanding the provisions we’ve received and the miracle of receiving grace we do not deserve.


The proud harden their hearts when they hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. But the humble echo the words of Isaiah, “Woe to me, for the inner prophet has spoken to me, and I now know that I am unclean. My heart has been touched, pierced by the word. I am not worthy to be filled with your Spirit; this vessel is not worthy to have you come in. Nevertheless, I accept this and let it be so. I no longer live; it is only you living in me. In my heart, my God is high and lifted up, surrounded by those who love Him. He speaks, and I listen; He sends out, and I go.”


Understand that we are men who He has touched; He is the one who has made us clean. So, come, let us go to the mountain of the Lord. He will teach us His ways, and we will abide in His presence forever.