Hold on to the Angel

by W. Chaz Glass


Bible study is one of the most rewarding spiritual disciplines, but most do not understand what they are reading, and they give up too easily. They leave exegesis to the ones with seminary degrees, labeling passages as too difficult to chew, too deep, with too many metaphors, awkward symbols, breaking down the Hebrew and the Greek exhausts our minds. But we must hold on to the Angel until the blessing is released, the insight gained, the revelation obtained. We must seek until we find, we must knock until the many rooms in the heavens are opened; we must wrestle with the Word in thought, in prayer, in meditation, rotating it around in thought like a Rubik’s cube until at last, we feel the spiritual sparks from the Holy Spirit within depositing, transferring to us the hidden manna.


Hold on to the Angel and do not let Him go.


All scripture is relevant and meant to edify. All scripture has applicability for this generation and the generation to come, but you may have to wrestle for it, for it is not yielded easily. The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent press their way into the kingdom. They press like the persistent widow, they press like the woman with the issue of blood; they press seeking the Master at night, they press tearing off roofs. In personal study, we too must press; we must hold on to the Angel until understanding is complete, until we bond with the wisdom above all wisdom, to a point where it does not have to be learned again, until the diamond mined reflects the light of past study sessions, opening our eyes, unlocking the mysteries reserved for those who wrestle all night, for superficial skimming does not unlock revelation’s door. We must wrestle until discovery resonates, rippling into other books, doctrines and themes, a continuous cycle of compounding revelation.


Hold on to the Angel.


Be encouraged. You will only get stronger. Once the Spirit knows you will not let go, once you refuse to rush; you will no longer casually glance at a proverb here and a Psalm there. Instead, you transform into an unrelenting servant with a thirst that will not be satisfied until understanding is granted. Sight comes quickly. Remain persistent, hold on to the Angel, and the mind of Christ will be given. For who knows the mind of a man except the man within.