Goodbye Past Love

by W. Chaz Glass


They begged me to stay,

We had been together so long,

So long that they were who I was.

But it was time to move on and become someone else.

They try and call;

They try and write.

They see me walking by and can’t believe I won’t even speak.

I didn’t realize how heavy they were,

I didn’t realize how low they brought me.

I was existing in the shadows with them.

But now I was free and walking in the light;

A path free from the stumbling blocks – they were the blocks in my way.

Saying goodbye for good was hard.

I thought we’d be together until the end.

Are we not still friends?

Don’t you miss me?

I thought I would.

But a voice called me –

All I heard was truth and sincerity.

I heard my name spoke in a different way –

I turned and my heart raced.

A touch that was also a plea.

He said:

I’ve been waiting here the whole time,

Waiting for this day and time.

He said:

Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,

And come along.

For behold, the winter is past.

The rain is over and gone.

The flowers have already appeared in the land –

The time has arrived for pruning the vines

And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.

The fig tree has ripened its figs,

And the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance.

Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,

And come along!’


I turned to my past loves, my past sins and said goodbye.