Discerning Real America

by W. Chaz Glass

Election cycles are spiritual hurricanes that beat on the individual and collective spiritual structure of the Church. Just as home and business owners reinforce their property before a storm, the spiritual body must fortify itself through preaching and prayer, knowing the tempest has the potential to cause internal flooding and peel apart the exterior. This election season revealed a tragic failure: the Church largely neglected this spiritual preparation. Now, many congregations find themselves in recovery mode, helping members rebuild what should have been protected in the first place.

This bothered me, as it revealed how entangled the church has become with the world, rendering it unable to discern the true spiritual landscape of our nation. While elections and policies dominate headlines, they merely scratch the surface of America’s spiritual challenges. The church must understand that two dominant strongholds grip this country: greed and vanity. Its primary idol is America itself, and its master is wealth. As believers, we must recognize that these strongholds and idols will not be dismantled by political candidates or policies. In fact, Scripture foretells that these issues will worsen as we approach the end times (Revelation 18:11-19). However, understanding this spiritual reality enables us to avoid being divided by political parties or candidates and instead focus on our true mission.

Greed: The Relentless Pursuit

The stronghold of greed manifests in our society’s endless chase for more – more wealth, more power, more success. We see it in the widening wealth gap, in corporate decisions that prioritize profit over people, and in the exploitation of poorer nations for economic gain. Perhaps most troubling is how this pursuit has become celebrated in our culture, creating a cycle of consumption and competition that leaves people perpetually discontent.

Vanity: The Image Obsession

Walking hand in hand with greed is the stronghold of vanity. It feeds our obsession with image, status, and self-promotion, evident everywhere from social media to entertainment to personal ambitions. This fixation on appearances over authenticity has created a culture where material possessions matter more than spiritual values, and the pursuit of likes and followers has replaced the pursuit of genuine connection and community.

America’s Ultimate Idol: Itself

At the root of these strongholds lies a serious issue: America’s idolization of itself. This manifests as extreme individualism, exceptionalism, and the glorification of the “American dream.” This self-idolatry has become so ingrained that it has even infiltrated the Church, subtly shifting our focus from Christ-centered worship to self-centered ambition and the prosperity gospel.

Mammon: The True Master

The master pulling all these strings is wealth. It has become the ultimate measure of success and security in our society, reinforcing both greed and vanity while dictating everything from political decisions to personal relationships.

Politics Can’t Fix Spiritual Problems

No political candidate or policy can dismantle these strongholds. Just as the Law of Moses could only reveal sin but not save from it, politics can only legislate behavior – it cannot transform hearts. That transformation is the domain of the Holy Spirit, working primarily through the Church.

I acknowledge a valid counterpoint: leaders can influence the cultural and spiritual landscape of a nation, either curbing or expanding strongholds. Political leaders hold power over legislation, social norms, and the tone of national discourse, which can shape the environment in which strongholds thrive or are weakened. This perspective reflects a legitimate desire for leaders whose policies and influence align more closely with biblical principles.

However, while political leaders may influence the conditions in which strongholds exist, only the Church has the spiritual authority and mandate to dismantle them. Political leaders operate within a secular framework and cannot address the spiritual roots of these strongholds. They may pass laws or implement policies that alter external behaviors, but true transformation happens in the heart. For example, a president may create policies that reduce economic disparity, but greed and materialism—spiritual strongholds—persist regardless of external reforms.

The Church’s Role

While political leaders influence the cultural environment, only the Church has the spiritual authority and mandate to dismantle strongholds. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil. This is our domain, our calling, and our responsibility.

The Church is not just another institution; it is God’s instrument for discerning and addressing spiritual realities. As geopolitical watchmen, spiritual sentinels who observe global events, aligning them with scripture and prophecy, we warn the Church while engaging in strategic intercession, teaching, and preaching the gospel. When we become overly dependent on or aligned with political figures, we risk ceding our spiritual authority and placing our hope in human systems instead of God.

Our focus must remain on eternal transformation, not temporary fixes. While policies can address behaviors, only the Holy Spirit can change hearts. The Church must reclaim its role as the primary defender against spiritual strongholds, allowing God to use us to confront greed, vanity, and idolatry with the truth of His Word and the power of His Spirit.

Moving Forward

We are indeed held accountable for how we operate within the domain God has anointed us to flow in. The prophet, priest, and king each have distinct roles and boundaries, and crossing those without God’s explicit permission disrupts His divine order. Let us be mindful of the real issue or we will continue to set the wrong example as a house divided. Our hope is not in earthly leaders or policies but in the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. As we operate within our God-given domain, we bear witness to the kingdom of God and invite others into the only true source of hope: Jesus Christ.


One response to “Discerning Real America”

  1. Ira G Toles Avatar
    Ira G Toles

    I am grateful to the Lord for your Word base analysis of the state of no only America but the world. I hear Holy Spirit (truth) throughout this blog. A Prophet has truly arisen. Be blessed in the Lord and in the power of His might 🙏.

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