• Reverse Vision Board for 2024

    Reverse Vision Board for 2024

    What if 2024 became the year we intentionally focused less on our own self-improvement and more on envisioning and speaking greatness over our loved ones instead? “Reverse Vision Boards” – creatively harnessing our imagination, confessions, journaling and prayers to see key people in our lives step into their highest divine…

  • Revelation 2:20-23 – A Warning Call to a Church Adrift

    Revelation 2:20-23 – A Warning Call to a Church Adrift

    Unveiling the chilling warning within a poignant poem, depicting Jezebel’s legacy as a cautionary tale for the church navigating societal conformity.

  • Spiritual Jericho’s

    Spiritual Jericho’s

    We all have fortified areas of sin and spiritual strongholds in our lives that seem impenetrable – what I call “Jericho’s.” These Jericho’s are inhabited by things like pride, lust, greed, doubt, and other sins that prevent us from fully surrendering to God. Just as the Israelites faced the fortified…

  • Spiritual Guardians: Holding the Line from Eden to Today – Part 1

    Spiritual Guardians: Holding the Line from Eden to Today – Part 1

    Believers today share an ancient calling with holy guardians spanning Scripture – to steadfastly hold the line defending that which God deems sacred. This post illuminates the profound lineage between the cherubim stationed to guard Eden’s sanctity after the Fall, the armed Levites protecting the tabernacle, and the modern church…

  • Wine Skins

    Wine Skins

    Chart the layers of Jesus’ parable on old and new wine skins. Uncover the rich symbolism and theological depth as this narrative journey navigates from broad concepts to intricate applications, inviting readers to ponder the transformative essence of this timeless metaphor.

  • A Watchmen’s Lament – A Cry from Isaiah 58

    A Watchmen’s Lament – A Cry from Isaiah 58

    Embark on a poetic journey echoing the timeless wisdom of Isaiah 58. This evocative composition questions the essence of modern worship, challenging conventions, and urging the Church to heed the call for justice and compassion in a world marred by suffering. Explore the resonating themes that bridge the ancient plea…

  • Seeking and Finding Part 2

    Seeking and Finding Part 2

    Explore the divine pursuit and human quest in our deep dive into two powerful parables – the Lost Coin and the Pearl of Great Price. Uncover the meaning of seeking and finding in these timeless parables of Jesus.

  • Seeking and Finding – Part 1

    Seeking and Finding – Part 1

    Explore the divine pursuit and human quest in our deep dive into two powerful parables – the Lost Coin and the Pearl of Great Price. Uncover the meaning of seeking and finding in these timeless parables of Jesus.

  • The Swarm of Sin

    The Swarm of Sin

    Explore the themes of sin, redemption, and renewal in ‘The Swarm of Sin,’ a thought-provoking poem inspired by the Book of Joel. Delve into the destructive power of sin and the hope of healing and rebirth for the faithful. Discover the striking imagery and timeless messages in this evocative piece.

  • Humility – Reflection on Isaiah 6

    Humility – Reflection on Isaiah 6

    Humility – Reflection on Isaiah 6   by W. Chaz Glass   Do we require the same experience as Isaiah to come to the understanding within ourselves that we have unclean lips and are among people of unclean lips? Humility is something we possess, not just in the presence of…

  • Faith & Frankenstein

    Faith & Frankenstein

    Inspired by James 2:26 by W. Chaz Glass   James 2:26 tells us that “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead.” This verse helps believers make a connection between God’s creation of Adam and our own creative works. God formed Adam from…

  • Spiritual Rediscoveries

    Spiritual Rediscoveries

    Inspired by 2 Chronicles 34-35 by W. Chaz Glass Things that are not anchored drift, even in still water. Carelessly floating, we lose sight, lose focus, lose zeal, and lose purpose. We can even drift so far that our surroundings become unfamiliar, the place we once thought the most beautiful…

  • Rainy Season

    Rainy Season

    by W. Chaz Glass Throughout the Bible, rain is used to represent various aspects of God’s relationship with humanity and the progression of divine revelation. In this post we will chart the spiritual significance of rain in the Bible, tracing its journey from former rain to living water, and how…

  • Royal Priesthood

    Royal Priesthood

    by W. Chaz Glass Inspired by 1 Peter 2:9 In the epistle of 1 Peter, believers are given a profound and noble title: “a royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9). I hear this verse referenced often, reminiscent of Melchizedek in Genesis and Joshua in Zechariah. Yet, the full scope and implications…

  • The Perpetual Daniel Fast

    The Perpetual Daniel Fast

    by W. Chaz Glass Daniel’s diet, emphasizing the importance of abstaining from the kings food in Babylon, laid the foundation for Daniel’s character and the blessings that surrounded him throughout the book. While many have participated in “Daniel Fast”, I believe every believer is on a perpetual Daniel fast. In…