Author: W. Chaz Glass

  • The Invitation – Come Up Here

    The Invitation – Come Up Here

    As the Holy Spirit cultivates in us the mind of Christ, we are invited to “come up higher,” to see things from a heavenly vantage point where we have a broader view of the spiritual landscape.

  • The State of Unrest

    The State of Unrest

    In the midst of global unrest and turmoil, I invite you to contemplate the deeper spiritual dimensions of our world’s challenges. As you read, my prayer is that the Holy Spirit will illuminate your heart and mind, unveiling truths that transcend the chaos and offer a path to true peace.

  • Ravens of Provision Part 2 –  Zero Gravity Faith

    Ravens of Provision Part 2 – Zero Gravity Faith

    Entering into a “zero gravity faith,” floating in the assurance of God’s love and care, is an incredible spiritual state to exist in. Let’s float away.

  • Ravens of Provision – Do Not Worry

    Ravens of Provision – Do Not Worry

    In the midst of life’s worrying challenges maintain unshakable faith in God as the source of peace and provision.

  • Two and Three and a Mustard Seed

    Two and Three and a Mustard Seed

    Be encouraged by the understanding of prayer and unity.

  • The Courtship of the Cross

    The Courtship of the Cross

    As we approach Resurrection Sunday, let us fix reflect on the greatest act of courtship in history: Christ’s sacrificial love for His Bride, the Church, demonstrated by His death on the cross.

  • Goodbye Past Love

    Goodbye Past Love

    A compelling poetic testimony to the inner battle between past comforts and heeding a renewed calling.

  • While the Door Remains Open Before the Night Falls

    While the Door Remains Open Before the Night Falls

    Do not be deceived; God is not mocked…The Lord is not slow about His promise but is patient toward you, not purposing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance,

  • Inheriting Nehemiah’s Mantel – Part 2

    Inheriting Nehemiah’s Mantel – Part 2

    Upon completing our role as builders, planters, and waterers, surrendering control to the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom is established. This birth of the Kingdom mirrors Nehemiah’s time, where walls were rebuilt, and hearts were renewed.

  • Inheriting Nehemiah’s Mantle

    Inheriting Nehemiah’s Mantle

    This is a call to rebuild the walls of the heart, intercede for the lost, and trust in divine favor. In a world where spiritual desolation persists, where are our walls? Are there holes for the enemy to crawl through? As Christ came to redeem and the Holy Spirit to…

  • Hold on to the Angel

    Hold on to the Angel

    Charting the transformative journey of Bible study. In ‘Hold on to the Angel,’ discover the power of persistence as you wrestle with the Word. Unlock hidden insights and blessings as you refuse to let go.

  • The Parable of the Wicked Tenants – Matthew 21:33-36

    The Parable of the Wicked Tenants – Matthew 21:33-36

    We are in a cycle of cultivation to fruition, patience to fulfillment, planting to bountiful harvest. The Husbandmen plants, prunes, grafts and waits.

  • Reverse Vision Board for 2024

    Reverse Vision Board for 2024

    What if 2024 became the year we intentionally focused less on our own self-improvement and more on envisioning and speaking greatness over our loved ones instead? “Reverse Vision Boards” – creatively harnessing our imagination, confessions, journaling and prayers to see key people in our lives step into their highest divine…

  • Revelation 2:20-23 – A Warning Call to a Church Adrift

    Revelation 2:20-23 – A Warning Call to a Church Adrift

    Unveiling the chilling warning within a poignant poem, depicting Jezebel’s legacy as a cautionary tale for the church navigating societal conformity.

  • Spiritual Jericho’s

    Spiritual Jericho’s

    We all have fortified areas of sin and spiritual strongholds in our lives that seem impenetrable – what I call “Jericho’s.” These Jericho’s are inhabited by things like pride, lust, greed, doubt, and other sins that prevent us from fully surrendering to God. Just as the Israelites faced the fortified…