A Watchmen’s Lament – A Cry from Isaiah 58

by W. Chaz Glass


Like a pot full of water over a fire, I see suffering and injustice in the world, progressing from warm to simmering to a rolling boil. As Cain killed Abel, brother slays brother; they are not his keeper, but his land they have kept, his house they have burned, his wives they have ravished, his children lay in the streets. Their blood cries, screams, and wails, but Gods people do not hear. They are on their knees praying and fasting for more wealth, finer food, finer clothes, expanded territories, and greater names.


Is this the fast the Lord has chosen? To fill storehouses for the sake of filling storehouses? People strive for generational wealth as if God is not faithful from generation to generation! But your storehouses will be empty because your brother was left empty, crushed under the yoke of his color, broken by the rod because of his tribe. The Holy One commanded to go and do likewise, loose the bands of wickedness and satisfy the afflicted soul. But we satisfy our stomachs with the delicacies of the world and pass by the hungry.


Is this the fast that the Lord has chosen? To praise and shout while our neighbor drowns in the tears of affliction. Lukewarm and numb, the light flickers dim, and oil runs dry; rebuking power lost, so the enemy tramples God’s people. Will God answer us from His sanctuary in our day of trouble? Will He remember our fast? Will our light break forth as the noonday sun? Will we rebuild what was torn down? Is this the fast the Lord has chosen? Forgive us for the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches that have choked the Spirit. We see ourselves in bloom, but we are dry and withered. In our name brands, we are naked. Our bellies have no living water.


Before our soul is required of us, let the fool become wise. Let the fear and knowledge of God be pressed down, shaken together, and running over, strengthen us to do Your will. For I see many foolish virgins weeping and gnashing their teeth, judged by those they looked over.


2 responses to “A Watchmen’s Lament – A Cry from Isaiah 58”

  1. Jenny Avatar

    super enlightening and convicting!! the Lord has pressed on my heart this very thing, to truly seek His heart, to practice TRUE religion, to love my neighbor!

  2. Eve Avatar

    I enjoyed the reading.